Lifestyle choices: how to get time for yourself post delivery

Finding some ‘alone’ time is necessary to keep you sane after having a baby. If you have just become a mother, your baby is completely dependent on your for everything. As your baby needs you all the time, you might not get the scope to look after yourself. But, after going through labor pain and delivery, you deserve some pampering.

If finding time for yourself seems impossible, here are some amazing tips for self-care despite your exhausting schedule.

  1. Do not skip showering– No matter how busy or tired you are, you must make some time for a shower. Showering once a day is beneficial in many ways. You’ll instantly feel fresh, relaxed and energetic. If your baby is too little, make him sit in a rocking chair near the bathroom and leave the door open.
  2. Salon treatments at your home- Who doesn’t love spending time at the salon? Well, if you cannot go to the salon, call the salon at your home. Now there are several apps that offer beauty treatments to people like you within the confines of your home. A full body spa is just what your body requires for de-stressing. Why not get a stylish haircut and surprise your husband when he comes back from home? You can get all of this with your baby right next to you.
  3. Enjoy window shopping– We understand that you miss trying on clothes and checking out the newest collection at your favorite stores. While that is not an option at the moment, window shopping isn’t that bad. This is something you can do in-between babysitting and wait for the dresses to be delivered at your doorstep.
  4. Invite friends and family- Inviting people over is again a great idea. You’ll feel happy in the company of your friends or siblings. Moreover, anybody would love to play with and cuddle the baby. That’ll give you some time to breathe, have a cup of coffee or spend one whole hour in the washroom.
  5. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts- If you feel that you’re completely out of touch with the outside world, audiobooks and podcasts are there to keep you entertained. The best part about these resources is that you can listen to them anytime without having to use your hands – while breastfeeding, while cooking, or while lying next to your baby.
  6. Watch as many movies and series as you want- Haven’t you always been complaining that your demanding job leaves you with no time to watch the latest series on Netflix? Now is the time to watch all your favorite romantic classics and TV series that have 7 or 10 seasons. You and your partner can easily watch a good movie on the phone while your little one sleeps peacefully beside you.


Though a baby is a big responsibility, parenting is rewarding as well. It is just a matter of some years and then your child will become your best friend. You’ll always have a partner to go shopping with and to surrender to your food cravings.

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