Breastfeeding guidelines and suggestions for new mommies

Breastfeeding is a unique experience in the life of any woman. If you are about to give birth, you must have a thousand questions in your mind. Reading this article will give you confidence and prepare you to breastfeed once your baby comes to the world.

All you need to know about breastfeeding

It is wise to gather as much information as possible on breastfeeding before the baby is born. Once you know the basics, you’ll improve with regular practice.

  1. Feeding equipments- You need nursing bras to feed your baby whenever you want without having to remove your clothes. A breast pump is feeding equipment that helps you pump and store milk to feed the baby in your absence.
  2. Vitamin D supplement- Doctors mostly recommend Vitamin D supplements to lactating mothers during breastfeeding.
  3. Positioning your baby- It is important to hold your baby in a position that makes both of you feel comfortable. Take help of pillows to support your arms and back. You may also rest your feet on a low stool. Then position the baby close to your breast with his mouth facing the nipple. Your arms, wrists and shoulders need to be relaxed and the baby’s weight will be on the mother’s body.
  4. Latching on- Encourage the baby to open the mouth wide by gently brushing its lips with the help of your nipple. For releasing suction, insert one clean finger into its mouth between the tongue and the jaw.

Most asked questions regarding breastfeeding by pregnant women:

We have tried to answer some of the most commonly asked questions by would-be-mothers.

When can you start breastfeeding?

You can commence breastfeeding immediately after the baby is born. During this particular period, the sucking instinct of a baby is at its peak. During this phase production of colostrum takes place in the breasts. Colostrum contains antibodies that give immunity to the baby.

Is the process painful?

Normally, the process of breastfeeding is painless. Initially, it is possible to feel sensitivity and soreness, but this uncomfortable feeling goes away after some days. As long as you do it right, breastfeeding is easy and relaxing. In case you experience pain, do not hesitate to communicate the problem to your doctor.

How many times should you breastfeed in a day?

There is no fixed schedule that you must follow when it comes to feeding your baby. Newborns need to be given milk as frequently as possible. A 2-hour interval should meet your baby’s daily requirement of food. One interesting fact is that frequent breastfeeding produces more milk.

How to figure out that your baby is hungry?

When your little one is hungry, look out for signals like:

  • making murmuring sounds
  • sucking fingers or fist
  • opening the mouth
  • getting restless
  • crying


Remember that breastfeeding is as natural as sleeping or breathing. Once you start doing it, soon you’ll learn what works best for you and your baby. Antenatal classes also cover all aspects of giving birth and breastfeeding

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